Christ Centered Christmas

This is the last train of 2015!  We are wrapping up the year with the theme “Christ Centered Christmas” A reflection of how I tried to live my year.  I also hope to spend the next year focusing on Christ and His atonement.

I have created this mini kit to help remind me and you of the real reason for the season. You can download it here.


I hope that you remember the Reason for the Season as you are going about your day. I would hope that we can each put Christ first and focus on Him and his love for each of us!

You can go here to see receive a small gift each day from December 1 to Christmas Day! A Christmas GIF each day!

You should have came from Scrap Graphics and now head to Brightly Street.

Embark in the Service of God! -LDS Blog Train


This year the youth have had the theme

Embark in the Service of God

They have learned about service and the happiness it can bring them in their lives! The scripture that accompanies the theme is D&C 4:2

“Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day”

The video that shares the message can be found here.

Now for your download.

Continue on your way to Granny Enchanted.

You can find the whole train listed here.


Welcome to this month’s LDS Blog Train!  This month’s theme is Live True– Taken from the Gilbert Arizona Temple Dedication.

Here is my contribution this month! I hope you enjoy it!

ImageYou can download elements  here

download papers here

In your travels you came from Granny Enchanted #2

and next your off to This and That by Catherine.


This months blog train theme was Song in the Heart- Here is my mini kit for you!

I hope you enjoy it!!


Download here.

Here are the rest of the stops along the way!

One Scrap Happy Chic <—- you are here


Well, I finally was able to get a kit ready for the blog train this month!! Yay me!!

This month’s theme is

LDS Blog Train April 2013 IGTB8 Tag

Here is my contribution to this months train!!


You can download the papers here.

You can download the elements here.

You should have arrived from Granny Enchanted .

Your next stop is B-Cuz I Can .

Hope you are enjoying all the different stops!!